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Nope, Sorry, Missed It
2004-08-18, 11:30 a.m.

What rock was I under? I totally missed the 90's. There are two things that have recently brought this to a disturbing light.

I've seen a few episodes of VH1's "I Love the 90's", and that was the first rude awakening. Each viewing has gone as such:

B-List celeb: "___________" (song or movie or celebrity or fashion or whatever)

VH1: *obligatory clip*

Other B-List celebs, or whoever else VH1 could nab: *witty repartee* *assorted snappy one-liners*

Me: "...the hell?" (Never heard of ________________)

Quick internet search reveals _________ was big fat stinkin' deal and I am the sole earthly resident ignorant of that.

The second clue-by-four has been applied with force through the realm of music. Doing some bored-while-hubby-is-off-building-boat surfing, I have discovered treasure troves of musical genius. (THANK YOU SAMSAM) Trotting over to CDNow to purchase, 99% of the descriptions have included early-90's release dates, and the fact that the bands in question have been defunct since 1996 or so. Once again, I am the lone ignoramus, the idiot in the cultural village.

Now, I do have a rather nasty type of migraine that causes memory gaps the size of canyons, but not THIS much. I did teach school and was chained to papers and politico for a few years, but they let me out on weekends for good behavior. That can't be it.

So where was I?

Afloat on PBS with Barney. Capsized off the Barney boat onto the shore of Nickelodeon. In general, as of 1992, I was swallowed whole in all things kiddle. Outside my children, I had NO LIFE. Pathetic, huh? My horizons have broadened lately to include the entire Cartoon Network lineup and whatever is featured in the Limited Too catazine (their term, not mine). Woo-HOO, I'm breakin' out!

I've got to do some more exploring. Hey, anybody hear of this great new band called Nirvana? And that Urkel sure is funny. When's that show on?


Shameless Plug O'The Day Part II:

The real reason no housework gets done around here.

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