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Please Pass The Antihistamine
2004-09-01, 5:26 p.m.

Today's fortune:

Stop surfing the Web and get to work!

*whine* This fortune sucks. Neener neener neener I'm not listening...


It's September. YAY! Edging in on Fall, FINALLY. I hate summer. Why? HEAT. I hate heat. I hate being hot and sweaty. I hate walking outside and my clothing immediately sticking to me in the humidity. I hate being weak and breathless after 5 minutes of exertion. I hate our electric bill after running the ac nonstop for months. I hate the bugs, except for the lightning bugs of course, but they're gone now and the other bugs are horrible. It's time for things to cool down again and make me happy.

Our walnut tree in the front yard is busily shedding yellow-tinged leaves, and the scrawny potted mum is popping out tiny buds. The nights have turned cool and pleasant. But the surest sign of approaching Autumn? The geese flying over our house in big honking vees. Ahhhhhhh!

Mrs. Guru called while I was typing, all giggly after Guru stepped inside and removed his hat. Seems he got a bit yakkety and distracted the barber and got a little more of a haircut than he bargained for. In a word, SKINT. She's going to take photos. I smell a membership upgrade...

Oh well, like I'm one to talk today. Feeling hayfever-wretched, I went to Target last night for mass quantities of Kleenex and came home with some red hair coloring, too. I had red hair until Son was born, then mine turned brown and he still has the prettiest head of red hair you've ever seen. (We told him he sucked all the red out of my hair before he was born. He believed it.) Questing for my original color, I dyed my hair Revlon Medium Auburn last night. It's not bad, somewhat shocking since I haven't had red hair in 10 years, but what the hey. I had red hair for 26 years, I WANT IT BACK DAMMIT. (Hmmmmm. It looks kind of Goth. Cool!)

As if the hayfever weren't bad enough, add extra sleep-deprivation to the fun. Hubby has decided to become a morning person. In this household, it would be easier to disprove Einstein's Theory of Relativity than to alter the family circadian rhythm, but he's giving it a go. Today marked Day 3 of a slaphappy Hubby whistling around at 5:45am, while I lay with eyes propped open feeling like I've just been run over. It must be a phase he's going through. I hope he gets it out of his system soon.

After hauling the kids to school and swilling half a cup of coffee, it was time for my first chiropractor's appointment. They had scheduled one hour for me, but once they began delving into my screwy medical history, my visit swelled into nearly 2 hours. They were attentive and unhurried and practical, realistic about expecations for migraine relief, and quite knowledgeable about them. I am looking forward to my first "adjustment" next week. Heck, even the exam felt more like a massage!

Daughter announced she needs to see the chiropractor too, and launched earlier into a litany of creaks and groans caused from the strain of holding her viola. You would think the thing was carved from a boulder, the way she describes it. She did practice for a long time both this afternoon and yesterday. After being lax for a few days, I pointed out that to inspire seriousness in the instrument, perhaps she should pay for her viola rental. She has just enough birthday money to cover 4 months' rent. She developed a sudden intense desire to submerse herself in all things viola. She's doing pretty darn well, too.

Son told me today that if his daddy and I wanted some "us" time, he would make the generous gesture of allowing us to drop him off at the Guru Family abode (where his best friend resides) to watch him. No word about his sister. Guess he figures we could just dump her out by the roadside somewhere and she'd fare just fine. As it's 1. a school night and 2. big time allergy season, I politely declined this time. Nice of him to be so thoughtful, nary an ulterior motive in sight. Yeah, right. But tonight's big plans for me involve Claritin, a really big box of Kleenex, and a remote control. Oh yeah, and two kids going to bed early. They're gonna be thrilled about that. And if Hubby plans on getting up with the chickens, he's getting tucked in early also. Yep, it's the right evening for some "us" time: me, myself, and I.

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