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Is It Summer Yet?
2005-05-25, 10:42 a.m.

Good morning, campers!

Another beautiful day in these here parts, albeit mighty cold for this time of year. Nearly had to turn on the heat last night. The forecast is for sun and 75-80 degree temps all week, ahhhh. With such beautiful weather, we�re pretending in the afternoons and evenings that Son is out of school for the summer. He has minimal homework, which he completes in less than 10 minutes; after that, it�s out the door to run amok until well after a standard school-night bedtime. Nothing of earth-shattering educational importance is going to happen now, and certainly nothing that would morph him into genius-level productivity. However, he does have a very short time to be a kid, and is right now the only kid in our neighborhood not already on summer vacation. Mom picks the low road on this one. What do you mean, you can�t believe I was an elementary school teacher? Hey, teachers buck the system, too, especially when the system doth stupid things.

I hope our cold snap doesn�t hurt the lightning bugs. I�m craving lightning bugs. There are few things more blissful than running around on a pleasant summer twilight, weaving around honeysuckle and rhododendrons, cradling a glowing beetle in the palm of your hand. I have such fantastic memories of doing that as a small child on vacation in Gatlinburg, at the hotel on the edge of the mountain river; I never thought I�d be living it. I�m in heaven.

Monday evening we had photos made for the church directory. After taking 45 or so shots, in none of which Son was presentable, we settled on one where he had a minimally goofy expression and his eyes closed, and we were smiling at the camera instead of trying to throttle him. We owed it to the poor man to buy a photo package; he will need the money to pay for his post-Son-session therapy. Once home, with the family corralled and still clean, I whipped out the digital camera and took a few shots. Check out the new Buzznet thingy below. That�s the first time I�ve pulled my hair back in years. I had short hair for awhile. It�s growing now, but it�s slllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. I envy all you girls with amazon hair. If you�ve got it, revel in it.

As for the school play, I found out what they were supposed to be with the pom-poms.
Yeah, when mimicking plants, I reach for the pom-poms myself.
I forgot to tell you one kid had to dress up as a mime. I hate mimes. Clowns eat people, but you can hear them coming; mimes are silent and deadly.

Yesterday the GroovyGuru hung out with us, so we could drive him loony, instead of him driving himself loony waiting for the outcome of Guru Jr�s yearly checkup at St. Jude�s. All went well, so he and Hubby spent three more hours on the tree house and had a big ol� building spree. This time, they got up two whole boards, for a grand total of three boards for six hours of work. The tree house should be completed in time for our grandchildren to enjoy. Maybe. They had to scale down the initial plans, lest it cost as much as the main house on our property, but Hubby still plans to furnish the thing with electricity and cable. You can tell this is for the kids, right? Right?

Since it�s so pretty out, I�ll probably get camera-happy later and toss up some more items on Buzznet about which you could care less. �Til then�

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