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Monday entry, Part 2
2005-06-06, 1:28 p.m.

Second entry for today. Ain�t I somethin�?

Hubby went with Son this morning to Donuts For Dads at school. They had Krispeee Kreeemes and afterwards Hubby followed him into the gym for their weekly Family Celebration.

*insert gag*

Hubby came home simultaneously flabbergasted and amused. The kids sang songs in the gym with all the "I'm so special, everybody's wonderful, you're such a fabulous person, the Earth is go-o-o-od" syrup complete with side-to-side rocking and overhead arm waving. He looked for a group of hippies to take the stage and start a round of Kumbayah. Sounds good in practice, he felt all traces of masculinity being sucked from his being. It was Son Of PomPoms: When School Programs Assimilate.

Son dawdled and fidgeted and would have none of the bleeding heart arm-flapping.

Then, they held up two fingers in a sort of B0y Skout salute and chanted promises about �no put-downs� and other it�s-good-for-you-cause-we-said-so prefab lifeskills. Son and his little buddy held up their crossed fingers and snickered while they dutifully regurgitated the chant. Thank God, they're still boys and not bois. I am not going to raise a boi and a grrrl.

I'm into teaching kids all the right things, be nice and play fair and do your best and God loves us every one, but you can overdo the procedures and step into la-la land. What's even more absurd is you have all these parents doing the LovePeaceToleranceHugATreeSaveTheEarth granolathon, then they hop into their huge SUVs(nary a hybrid gas-saving mobile in sight); head for the mall to buy their sons some pink Ralf Lauren P0l0 gear, and whatever else is the result of clubbing baby seals and child labor; and go home and recycle a few things because it's the chi-chi thing to do. Posers.

Someone print me a bumper sticker that says �My kid can beat your kid�s pansy ass,� �cuz that�s what places like this are producing. They�ve had their self-esteem artificially inflated for so many years that when the real world squashes them flat, they never knew what hit �em.


Hubby has found a good price on a new AC condenser for the truck, but after reading the giant You-Only-Think-You-Can-Fix-It manual, he�s not as keen on the self-labor thing. Seems if it�s not fully drained and depressurized, the big metal parts can go Foom while you are in close proximity. The prospect of being peppered with truck engine shards doesn�t thrill him.


On Wednesday and Thursday we will be in Kentucky, then on Saturday it�s the big bad return to Orangeburg to work ourselves to death. If we are still alive on Tuesday, we�re going to the beach for the rest of the week to visit my mother-in-law. If you�re craving sun, surf, and sand, email me your address (I won't give it out, promise) and I�ll send you something good and beachy.

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