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Great Inventions and Reasons To Gloat
2004-11-07, 3:04 p.m.

I wanted to take a moment today to introduce you to one of the best things ever invented on our wonderful planet, and offered by the fine folk at our cable company. Behold:

The DVR.

This nifty little device lets us idiot-proofly record our favorite shows...set it once and it records them every single time they come on. But that's not the best part.

The best part is that the remote has approximately 1,800 buttons and I learned how to work the damn thing in under 15 minutes. I SO rule.

::::::doing Technology Happy Dance::::::


I am looking forward to tomorrow, as I know what's to come. Same way you know what's imminent when Wile E. Coyote dons the Acme Bat-man suit.

Tomorrow, Hubby is volunteering at school for the very first time ever. Not to be content with a half-hour sojourn into the bowels of preteen academia, he's taking the day off and spending the ENTIRE SCHOOL DAY volunteering in the science lab. They're doing some sort of activities with minerals. As if being fried by fifth-graders from 7:30am-2:30pm won't be exhausting enough, he is then going from 2:45-5:30pm on the Science Club field trip to a local archaeology site. I am going to pop in for lunch to see how he's faring and wear my patented condescending I've-been-waiting-for-this-for-an-eternity expression. See, in my former life I was an elementary school teacher, yet endured years of comments from the hubs about "what an easy job" and basically anybody could do it, how hard is it to read to little kids for a few hours, blahdeblahdeblah. So tomorrow comes the day I have long awaited, the day he finds out that there is much more to teaching than he ever dreamed. Will I gloat at his mental and physical exhaustion? You betcha.


Lookee what I found! Diaryrings! Several of them are courtesy of Golfwidow, others I found through the Diaryring directory. Gripe: How does one search the diaryring directory? I was looking for a "Stargate" one and clicked on the "S", but the list stopped at the "So-"s. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I've also joined the "Sallys-rock" diaryring, but as the link totally screwed up my template I had to leave it off. Hmph.

:::::::ending Technology Happy Dance::::::

Hey, I'm learning...

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