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Terror Alert Level

2006-01-05, 8:18 p.m.

I shoulda seen it coming. Yesterday�s pissandmoan-y-ness, the brain farts, the obvious hormonal turmoil, and the changing weather�today, the migraine. I�ve had all of the hangover, but none of the fun. Taken a beating without even a good fight tale to tell. Geez, these things are all the more awful, because they�re not even decent diary fodder.

But I do promise that although I may not be any more mature than I was yesterday, I�ll at least try to act it.


Not really.

As proof, here�s my latest adventure in decorating, my 10x10 shrine to fundom, the home office:

And yes, it is my amazing telekinetic power keeping those lunchboxes on the wall. As my powers grow, so shall my collection, to eventually encircle the room.

If the brain farts would abate, maybe I could remember where I put my Dynamite with Shaun Cassidy and Chewbacca on the cover. It�s currently in A Safe Place, right along with a few issues of Bananas, so they will turn up when I�m 73 or move out of this house, whichever comes first.

Next prey: A Dark Shadows board game. My neighbor had one, and I�ve coveted it for 30 years. If you�re gonna sin, then at least be able to purchase said sin on eBay. I need the game, and I need a Spudtrooper. Son bought the last one at Maul Mart and refuses to share.

Hubby�s working late tonight. Funny, we were getting along so well last night.

Just when I was beginning to lose faith in the sheer entertainment value of the human race, this winner comes along:

Artist Binds Feet in Desert, Loses Key

Jan 4, 3:09 PM (ET)
BAKER, Calif. (AP) - An artist who chained his legs together to draw a picture of the image hopped 12 hours through the desert after realizing he lost the key and couldn't unlock the restraints, authorities said Wednesday.
Trevor Corneliusien, 26, tightly wrapped and locked a long, thick chain around his bare ankles Tuesday while camping in an abandoned mine shaft about five miles north of Baker, San Bernardino County sheriff's Deputy Ryan Ford said.
"It took him over 12 hours because he had to hop through boulders and sand," Ford said. "He did put on his shoes before hopping."
The artist, who is from the area, often sketched images inside mines in the Southwest. He had finished his drawing Tuesday when he realized he didn't have the key.
Corneliusien finally made it to a gas station and called the sheriff's department, which sent paramedics and deputies with bolt cutters. His legs were bruised but he was otherwise in good health, Ford said.
The artist did not have a listed phone number and could not be reached for comment.
And the drawing?
"He brought it down with him," Ford said. "It was a pretty good depiction of how a chain would look wrapped around your legs."

I personally think this is Suzuki Man, on his off hours. Any idiot who chutes from his condor-perch home and drives off into nowhere HAS to eclipse that in his spare time. Or maybe this guy just works for the ad agency that devised that 30-second gem.

Speaking of truly fun folk, if you haven�t already, pop over and wish Yvonne a doggie-riffic birthday! Happy happy!

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