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More Valentines
2006-02-14, 6:23 p.m.

Previous rant from earlier? Over. Things are much better, although you really don�t want the tally of the day�s coffee consumption. I may not have had much sleep, but there are things to be thankful for, and pointy little Grover feet lodged in the small of my back is one of them. I mean, consider the alternative.

But he�s still sleeping in his own bed tonight.

Valentine�s upcheer came in a late delivery from a local florist. Hubby sent a lovely bouquet addressed to me, Daughter, and �Chip�. Granted, the florists across the nation are at this hour teetering on the brink of nervous breakdowns, armed with weed whackers and Roundup and euthanizing innocent nosegays shouting FLY AWAY, FLY AWAY MY PETALED DARLINGS and name gaffes are going to occur, but �Chip�? The commonalities between Son�s name and �Chip� are:
1. They are both written in letters of the alphabet.
2. Refer to #1.
It�s as though someone were thinking, �Hmmm, the name�s Harold, rhymes with Chip, got it.� Not that Harold is Son�s name, but you get the idea.
Son hasn�t seen the card yet, which is good, because once he does the freakout will begin. He�s not one who can sweat the small stuff. My Valentine�s evening should be loads of fun.

Hubby just called, and I thanked him and told him about the card. First thing he asked was if Son was going postal yet. He knows his boy.

Son hasn�t noticed the card because he�s been mourning today�s loss of video game privileges. Seems he hasn�t done 5 math homework assignments in the past 2 weeks and has been sentenced to after school homework help this Thursday. Work comes first; if you can�t do your homework, then you can�t play video games. That funeral dirge? is the soundtrack to Son�s scenery-chewing death act of dooooom, because there is NO WAY for a boy to live through a day without a Game Cube.

Daughter and Happy Emo Girl are at Future Actor Kid�s house, awaiting pickup by his mother in half an hour so he can take them to O�Charley�s for Valentine�s dinner. Future Actor Kid currently does not have a computer, and with half an hour to kill, Daughter and Happy Emo Girl are in serious withdrawal DT�s. So five minutes ago I got a phone call:


�Mom? Can you bring over a board game or something because we�re all bored, I mean, he doesn�t even have a computer...�

::::::::::::::background noises of chatter WAIT WAIT WAIT guffaw HAR HAR no wait don�t tell your mom that yet BONK boing boing SLAM hee hee hee CRUNCH rattle rattle I�ve got an idea we can play this game my mom taught me OOH THAT�S FUN I FORGOT ABOUT THAT yeahyeahyeah CRACK hahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA:::::::::::::::

�NevermindMomwe�regoingtoplaythisgameinsteadIwasjusthavingablondemomentloveyouhappyValentine�sDay� CLICK

I�m not sure if I want to know or not. I�m betting on �not�.

Daughter just called again for me to please bring her some clean clothes because her current outfit has just been doused in balsamic vinaigrette.

I really, REALLY don�t want to know.

Happy Valentine�s Day.

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