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Office Space (Part 2)
2006-04-05, 10:22 a.m.

(Go back and read Part 1 in the previous entry)

Got Hubby in the truck last night, so we could go to Wal Mart and buy the furniture for the office. He would have plenty of time to put the desk together, we could get the computer off the floor, and I would have all day Wednesday (today) to finish tidying the office and then not be stressed out Thursday getting ready for the church dinner crowd. We would go back on Friday to by the other pieces (media tower, chest of drawers for cd storage).
Being a man, it first required a detour. He wanted to show me a neighborhood he had found on one of his skip-the-highway-traffic shortcuts to work that had some neat old houses. Then he decided he wanted to check Rooms To Go to see what they've got...but that's in Knoxville. Off we went. No office furniture there, but he had to look at every. Other. Piece. Of. Furniture. In. The. Store. What about Brown Squirrel, he says, because they're always mentioning office furniture in their commercials. Arrived 10 minutes before closing, found some faboo contemporary furniture, kept the poor girl half an hour past closing time working up numbers, only to get back in the truck and decide we can't afford it. :::::::insert DUH::::::: I told him I was staying in my happy place until he MADE UP HIS FREAKING MIND.
Made it to Wal Mart.
He wanted to buy all the furniture at once to save a trip over there this weekend (4 miles, because making that trip one extra time this weekend would burn SO MUCH MORE GASOLINE than did going all the way to, around, over, and through Knoxville tonight, ya know). I asked him, where would the boxes go? The really really big boxes?
Oh, we'd just stack 'em in the dining room until he could get it all assembled this weekend.
What part of WE ARE HAVING A CROWD OF PEOPLE DAY AFTER TOMORROW FOR DINNER did you NOT UNDERSTAND? Dining. Means dining room in use, means people will not be expecting to perch on teetering towers of boxes of unassembled furniture as seats around the dining room table. :::::::insert You are an idiot glare::::::::
So we bought just the desk and the short filing cabinet and headed for Target. He asked why I had given him the evil eye in Wal Mart. I had to spell out his Man Moment, and air my regret that I didn't have a female friend present to witness the occasion and partake in some synchronous eye-rolling.
We looked at rugs again, having browsed them the night before while forming the Target Vs. Wal Mart office furniture battle plan. He liked every rug that will not match anything, waffled on the ones that would, threw a bunch down in the aisle to stare at them, and finally decided the one he liked best just happened to be the one I had picked out in the first place.
He fussed that I had pushed a buggy along, because he could carry the big rolled up rug no problem. Dropped rug (I think he was playing battering ram in the aisle). Looked sheepish, put rug in buggy.
On to curtains. Solid red, I chose, he liked them. He couldn't figure out why I wanted a new decorative curtain rod to go with the new tab top curtains when any old rod should do. He saw it my way (after a detailed �You have NO CLUE how to decorate� lecture) and talked me into a brushed nickel one with arrow-point finials, for the sole purpose of javelin-throwing and wife-poking. If it hadn�t been so close to closing time, I could have nabbed a second so we could joust in the main aisle, but time was a�wastin�. Unfortunate, because I would have won, I just know it.
Got the curtain rod in the buggy. On to lamps. Less fussing, because they were blaring over the speakers that the store was about to close. He went with my choice of lamp and shade with little whining. He�s trusting me that it will look cool...and it will. The whole thing is getting a sort of 70's boogie vibe.

Tonight Hubby will assemble the desk and we can get the office into some semblance of order, but I will be on pins and needles until the weekend when we can haul out that stupid cherry armoire. I�m offering it free to the first taker who can come pick it up on Saturday, or else I�m having a cherry-finish-particle-board bonfire Saturday night. You�re all invited. Bring beer.

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