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Update from last night
2006-04-08, 12:11 p.m.

Thank you for all the prayers! My bff called me just after midnight to let me know they were ok. Their neighborhood wasn�t hit, but they had to hang out at her SIL�s until the roads were cleared of live downed power lines and debris so they could get home. Her SIL teaches at the college that was hard hit and her car took a beating, but all of their friends and family are otherwise unscathed. Much of Gallatin was heavily damaged or destroyed and a lot of people were killed, so please keep those families in your prayers.

Several thunderstorms moved through our part and parcel of Tennessee last night with much fanfare and crashing and thrashing and rain, but little else. It�s washed away a lot of the pollen, for which my nose and throat and eyes are eternally grateful.

Now Sally is happy again and can get back to far less important matters, such as this opening sentence of a news bulletin.

LONDON (AP) - A mailman who hoarded thousands of letters and parcels at his home was jailed for four months on Friday.

All together now:
�Damn, that�s one SERIOUSLY long Friday.�

And now, the Continuing Saga of Son.

Son did not do his math homework. Son was assigned detention hall. His teacher gave him the note on Wednesday regarding detention on Thursday.

Wednesday afternoon, I got a call from an amused vice principal. Seems Son thought of a new smooth angle and stuffed the note into another kid�s school bag, thereby transferring the detention to that kid and getting himself off the hook. The other parent returned it to the school office.

The Sneaky Kid�s Field Guide to Total School Avoidance, page 112, Section B, Paragraph 6: Hereby rendered obsolete. Mom�s One-Handed Combat Technique, when properly applied to an 11-year-old behind, is an effective countermeasure.

Getting off my own lazy butt now to go dress and haul Daughter to the library for �Teen Snack and Chat� from 2-3pm. I have no idea what all it entails and that�s all that was on the sign last night, but Daughter heard the key words �library�, �teen�, and most importantly, �SNACK�, so color her there.

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