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This Hubby Moment Was Brought To You By...
2006-04-27, 11:34 a.m.

THIS, dear people, is a home-grown moron.

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A judge changed a sentence from six months in prison to eight years after a teenager convicted in a drive-by shooting wrote a letter asking a friend to take over his marijuana dealings.
Aaron K. Lawless
(�Lawless�. ::::snort::::), 18, agreed to testify against two men who prosecutors say set up the shooting that killed 19-year-old Alisha Quillen last July. The two men were sentenced to eight years in prison while Lawless got six months. He had only 20 days left to serve.
Knox County Criminal Court Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz gave Lawless the shorter sentence even after learning he lied about his role in the shooting.
Leibowitz changed her mind about the sentence last week after authorities intercepted a letter Lawless wrote to a friend about "pushing some weed" while he is on probation.

A future Darwin Award winner, coming up. Til then, kid, don�t drop the soap.


Daughter is languishing on the sofa, heating pad on belly, intestinal tract staging a revolt against breakfast, and lobbing ill will towards Umbridge while reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Son is probably languishing in his desk, arms entwining belly in a Death Grip O�Doom, intestinal tract cursedly in full working order, and lobbing ill will towards school in a last-ditch attempt to convince his teachers that he is in fact at that very moment DYING and ought to be sent home for the day in case it�s contagious and he�s very thoughtful that way.

He would then be cured by the Amazing Healing Powers of Nintendo. GameCubes can do that, ya know. You get a lot in that box for $99.


Among Hubby�s great dislikes are carnival rides (he turns pasty green, pukes and prays for death) and public displays of affection (he�s intensely shy and gwarsh, someone might think he likes a girl). These combined this past weekend to make another Memorable Marriage Moment.

Hubby took Daughter to Pigeon Forge for a classic car show. They rode the go-carts at one of the theme parks, and Daughter tried her best to get him on a medieval castle stormer/carnival ride, a sadistic strap-in trebuchet-go-round. Hubby would not.

Later that evening, after I had foisted our brood off on the unsuspecting Guru clan and he and I were about to leave for the DJ Rap concert, I teased him about hey baby, what say we act on the dance floor like the 21-year-olds in heat.

�I�d rather go back to Pigeon Forge and ride the Vomit Comet than do that!�

:::::::sit back and enjoy his desperation while he slowly realizes how that came out:::::::

:::::::sit back and enjoy his desperation while he quickly realizes how many times I�m going to remind him of it:::::::

Our 16th anniversary is in less than a month. I need to plan this well. Suggestions?

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