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Completely Useless Entry, or 75 Things About Me
2004-08-18, 10:50 p.m.

Plenty of people post lists of self-trivia on their sites. I'm not one to be left out of the fun, so here goes the list for perhaps the most boring WASP you've ever encountered.

1 happily married 14 years

2 2 terrific kids

3 pleasantly plump, but down 2 sizes thanks to cheating madly on the South Beach Diet

4 only child

5 parents were happily married for 40+ years

6 attended same school for 13 years, kindergarten thru HS graduation

7 yep, private school

8 sheltered. Sheltered, sheltered, sheltered.

9 Hubby is my first and only boyfriend

10 never even held hands with a guy except for Hubby

11 had four dates in high school

12 was waaaaaaaaaay beyond shy back then

13 ain't no more

14 drove a '67 Mustang

15 sold it

16 wants it back

17 was shocked to discover not everyone goes to college, it was pounded into my head that college was a given and not a choice

18 very grateful for college opportunity

19 had full scholarship

20 chickened out of nursing major

21 picked education instead

22 shoulda studied, I might remember something

23 shoulda partied more. I was oddly well-behaved

24 kept a spotless dorm room

25 had first drink at age 23, after a year of marriage, on trip to Key West with awesome brother-and-sister-in-law (wish other equally awesome brother-and-sister in law could have come along)

26 really, really liked it

27 two Swampwaters and two mimosas is far more than enough in one evening for a first-time drinker

28 I don't get hangovers. Seriously

29 member of the Banana Splits Club. Remember them? Tra-la-la, la-la-la-la...

30 was on the Mr. Knozit show for my 4th birthday

31 owned six bicycles and two stereos, simultaneously. My parents ran out of stuff to get me for Christmas

32 still have my Wild Flower bike

33 Wish I had the banana seat one

34 I love blue

35 and yellow

36 and all things atomic 50's and kitschy retro

37 collect lunchboxes

38 want a Dark Shadows board game like my neighbor had

39 and an Evel Knievel action figure with motorcycle

40 wish I had my STTPs (pulled the black plastic thingy thru the car to rev up the big center wheel to make it go crash into the wall)

41 still have my Hot Wheels

42 used to be underweight

43 ate everything, couldn't gain

44 well, that problem's gone now

45 turned down college honors program and study at Oxford

46 scared hubby (then boyfriend) would leave me due to time and distance

47 wouldn't trade him, but kick myself daily

48 DYING to visit the UK

49 would probably find relatives

50 Irish/Scotch/German, hint of English, French, Welsh

51 Clan of Lochbuie

52 had red hair, turned brown when Son was born

53 dark blue eyes

54 freckles aplenty

55 boobs. Big, big boobies

56 hips to match. Dang

57 5 ft 2 in

58 small-boned

59 I'm shaped like a concrete garden gnome, I swear...short and round, gimme the pointy hat and you'll see

60 Harry Potter freak

61 got tidbit posted on The Leaky Cauldron

62 love fantasy, sci fi, some horror

63 hate, hate, hate romance novels

64 ditto for soaps

65 Michael Bolton, Kenny G, Bruce Springsteen, rap, country = GAG

66 shoegazer fan

67 and techno/electronica

68 and goth

69 can't dance

70 even after lessons

71 took charm school and modeling

72 like I ever use any of it

73 love, love, love Hubby's family

74 FIL and MIL just had 50th anniversary

75 Never had a cavity

Gotta run, will edit and finish tomorrow

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