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Another Meme, Be Thrilled
2005-08-06, 11:52 p.m.

So, a meme that�s an unintentional pychological mood-booster? Intriguing. I�ll give golfwidow�s findings a shot. You have to think of 100 things you like...not the lame, tame, old chestnut answers like �my friends, my family, chocolate�, but dig down into the little stuff. Cuz it�s often the little stuff that matters, right? But jeez, it�s hard to limit it to 100 once you get going, or in my case, flat-out impossible.

Here �tis, in no particular order of importance. I just started by glancing around me. There�s family, faith, friends, aaaaaaaaaaaand:

1. Computer fun. From the girl who once couldn�t load paper in a printer, now comes this little diary complete with pictures and badly copied html Whoda thunk it?
2. Lamplight and candlelight. Harsh lighting is, well, harsh.
3. Gothic arch forms and stained glass windows
4. Yellow, lavender, and blue
5. �Hosta Flower� by Behr paints, which is the color of my bedroom
6. �Lady of Dreams�, Vast
7. Mike�s Hard Lemonade
8. A good buzz from the above, or Wallaby Darneds (thank you Outback!). No matter how inebriated, I have never, ever had a hangover.
9. Fairies, dragons, and other fantasy creatures
10. Cellos and violins and harps, I float rather than listen
11. Heavy bass...makes my spine tingle
12. Apple and cheddar quiche
13. Steak, medium rare, especially from Ye Olde Steakhouse with their Woodshed Potatoes. Damn. I want some now.
14. The Lord of the Rings trilogy, especially the scene in �Return of the King� where Aragorn tells the Hobbits, �My friends, you bow to no one,� and then bows to them. I bawl every time.
15. Monty Python, especially the Spanish Inquisition and The Attila The Hun Show
16. Doctor Who. My friends� mom made me a 12-foot long scarf, a la Tom Baker. I still wear it.
17. Star Trek...Dammit Jim
18. Stargate SG-1 (RDA and Michael Shanks, le rowr rowr), Stargate the movie (James Spader with that HAIR, oh baby)
19. Our DVR cable box, oh we are spoiled so
20. And the gimmick on the DVR which Daughter discovered today...that you can throw virtual tomatoes, eggs, oranges, strawberries, or pies at any character on the television. CNN, here we come
21. Our town, which is a rockin� little place. I�m a big homebody.
22. Surround Sound
23. The Lord of the Rings soundtrack
24. Mid-century modern
25. Atomic Ranch magazine, and a few country decor magazines
26. The UK, and anything British, which includes BBC America
27. Iris, daisies, daffodils, morning glories, Queen Anne�s lace
28. Fresh flowers in a vase, anywhere in the house
29. Thin towels that REALLY dry you off
30. Making people laugh, because I feel like I truly accomplished something good
31. Exotica music
32. Lush, layered decor, lots of plush fabrics and trinkets and fairy lights (when Hubby will let me)
33. Black and white photographs, because you see less of the exterior and more of the soul
34. Fred 44 on XM Radio
35. �Adagio�, William Orbit
36. Metallica with the San Francisco Symphony (or Philharmonic or whatEVER)
37. �After The Love Has Gone�, Earth, Wind, And Fire (I used to fall alseep to this every night as a young teen)
38. Sharp cheddar cheese, with or without apples (Fuji, Gala, Macintosh, or Pink Lady)
39. Bram Stoker�s Dracula, Gary Oldman rips out my heart and crumples it into sobbing mushy bits
40. Harry Potter, I am obsessed. Obsessed.
41. �Up, Up And Away�, The Fifth Dimension, brings back fabulous oh-so-happy-and-carefree childhood memories
42. The painting hanging over my bed, which has mesmerized me since I was 4
43. Waterbeds
44. Being sought as a friend, which is the most humbling, amazing, and gratifying thing in the world
45. Having someone say I�m their best friend, which is the above x 50,000,000,000
46. Thunderstorms
47. Fireflies...lying outside on the grass watching them make the trees twinkle
48. Viewing a huge full moon through the leafless trees
49. Hallowe�en
50. Fall and everything about it. I really, really love Fall. Really.
51. Hot spiced apple cider
52. Drinking the above next to a cozy fire in the fireplace, nestled under a fleece throw
53. Being nuzzled by my cat
54. My dogs being excited to see me, even if I�ve only stepped into the next room for a minute
55. Zingers...when someone opens the door, I just HAVE to step through.
56. The sound of cicadas on a simmering summer evening
57. Porch swings
58. Rocking chairs
59. Bill and Ted�s Excellent Adventure
60. �spa� music, sooooooo relaxing
61. Coconut-lime-verbena Wallflowers from Bath and Body Works
62. Lavender-vanilla scented candles and bath products
63. Doing things for other people
64. Dogs and cats
65. Patchouli or sandalwood incense
66. A clean house
67. Handwritten notes and homemade cards from my children
68. Having my hands massaged
69. Having my hair played with
70. Ancient history documentaries...Egypt, Crete, the Celts
71. Cosmos by Carl Sagan
72. �Harem Silks of Bombay�, Les Baxter
73. �Our House�, Madness
74. Science fiction, fantasy
75. The Green Rider books by Kristen Britain
76. Boo by Renee Gutteridge
77. The Hitchhiker�s Trilogy by Douglas Adams
78. Sherlock Holmes
79. Thrift stores and yard sales
80. 1960's Ford Mustangs
81. Being able to scratch an itch
82. Falling asleep with Hubby�s right arm around me every night
83. Sleeping in a cold, dark room under a down comforter
84. Comfort foods when I�m not feeling well: beef boullion, mashed potatoes, asparagus on toast with white sauce
85. The lullaby my mother used to sing to me
86. Charlie, the stuffed yellow dog I used to sleep with
87. Yahtzee
88. Being invited to lunch with friends (I pay for my own, thankyewverymuch)
89. Spending some time alone
90. Kids and Hubby wanting to be with me
91. When Hubby gets excited about a new project or a good day at work
92. FINALLY being able to sneeze
93. Having a good idea and getting credit for it
94. Learning something new
95. �Lunacy Fringe�, The Used
96. Purple ink pens
97. Seeing someone I haven�t seen in a long time
98. Indoor fountains
99. Sitting on the back sun porch at night listening to music
100. �The Chauffeur�, Duran Duran
101. �Dying Beauty�, �A Long Time Ago In A Land Far Away�, James D. Stark
102. Being an aunt (thrilling for an only child)
103. Bats (the animal, not the sports equipment)
104. Rankin-Bass Christmas specials, The Charlie Brown Christmas special, and The Grinch
105. Imagining what makes other people tick, why they make the choices they do, what it would be like to live their lives; I never, ever should have read Freaky Friday as a child
106. Being able to buy little surprises for people I love
107. The ceramic unicorn pin my aunt made me when I was 12
108. When something triggers a happy memory, like the sunlight coming in the window a certain way, or the wind in the trees, that takes me back.
109. Accomplishing something and amazing myself that I did it
110. My parents� 1965 Philco console stereo, which I have and still works
111. The painting I found at a yard sale that hangs in our bedroom, a snowscape with trees in pale shades of lavender and white that pulls you in
112. The painting of swans on a lake on an autumn day that my mother has hanging over her living room sofa
113. My car
114. When Hubby calls me from work for no particular reason, or just remembers to let me know he�s going somewhere
115. Remembering the feeling of being pregnant, of the baby moving for the first time
116. Always trying to see the bright side of things, because there is a bright side in everything, although you might not notice it except in hindsight
117. Mountain streams flowing over rocks
118. Getting a great deal on something
119. Making all the green lights when I�m in a hurry
120. Falling asleep and dreaming; I mostly have unusual but very good dreams and typically remember them
121. Liking obscure shows, movies, songs, and books, and finding someone who knows about them
122. Interesting architecture
123. My little spidery copper wire head massager
124. The Old City section of Knoxville
125. Having the windows open and a cool breeze flowing through the house

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