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Itsy Bitsy Entry
2004-08-22, 6:17 p.m.

Tiny little entry here.

If you want to hear the most incredible music EVER, go here:

"Harem Silks From Bombay" is the best song. Ever. Evereverever. The whole thing isn't on the site but you get the idea. If there's one song on earth I could listen to 24/7, that's it.

I wonder, how could someone as musically prolific and diverse as Les Baxter, still be virtually undiscovered today? That's OK. More albums for meeeeeeeeeee. We collect them and frame them. Decor, loopy mod Sally-style.

If anybody out there has a copy of his "Perfume Set To Music" and would care to part with it, puh-leeze let me know! *begging*


Time to nab pizza and head over to GroovyGuru's house. He and Hubby are STILL working on The Boat, while my kids wreak havoc in their house. Pizza is a small penance. I really need to pitch in for a backhoe to dig out the wreckage they leave in their wake.


Back home and a fun time was had by all. Idiot me stayed on here too long so the pizza place closed, and I ended up getting burgers instead. That really ticked off Son, who had his little heart set on pizza. Too bad. Eat it or starve. (I'm such a caring mom, aren't I?)

Tomorrow will be Serious Housework Day. It makes no sense to tackle the carnage on a weekend while Hubby and Kids are home; that's like shoveling the walk while it's still snowing. Total waste of time and effort. Once I throw them out the door in the morning, the toiling will commence. All I've managed to do today is damage control, thanks to Spunky the Wonder Pomeranian. The pooches got bathed this morning, much to their dismay. Spunky decided to demonstrate his ire by whizzing in front of me on the towel used to dry him off, as soon as I laid it on the bathroom floor. GRRRRRRRRR Later he paraded into here, the computer room, and left me another reminder of just how he feels about a bath. One day I'm going to turn him into a fuzzy rug, just you watch.

Cookie the Mutt is happily shredding their favorite squeak toy behind me, creating extra vacuuming for in the morning. Joy. As if this place isn't squalid enough right now. The Landlord is coming tomorrow afternoon with an appraiser to inspect for a refinance, so it's got to look spiffy by 4:30. Yikes!

It's times like this that shed light on the best kept secret in the universe. The meaning of life? No. The Great Beyond? Nope. I'm talking about...Al's Speedwash. Bundle up your laundry, drop it off, and the next day it's all clean and folded and ready to be put away. It's pretty sad that they know me by name there and what detergent I like. Being that laundry is the bane of my existence, however, I consider it justifiable. Plus, it's cheap. Even better!

Guess this isn't such an itsy bitsy entry anymore. Whoops, time for Fred's Hangover Medicine on XM44. XM Radio, how do I love thee, let me count the ways...

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