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Of Traps, Justice, and That Fresh Piratey Scent
2004-10-26, 12:07 p.m.

Mouse-ion accomplished.

(Quit groaning. You know you would have said it, too.)

Yep, we caught the little buggar in the trap last night. From Son�s description I was expecting a wharf rat, not this morning�s scrawny little smidgeon. Hubby said it looked just like the one the cat was toying with in the driveway. Thanks, Shadow. Useful cat.

The other thing that made this morning good was a strategically placed cop. When Son and I were leaving for school, a white Blazer blazed past us in self-perceived glory, going 30 mph too fast for a little residential street barely wide enough for two cars to pass. I did a slow burn but quickly lost sight of her. How do I know it was a her? Here�s how. When Son and I got across town to school, there were blue lights flashing in an adjacent parking lot, and who had the good fuzz pulled but the same white Blazer! The same white Blazer with a very pissed-off female driver. Busted, baby, busted. I hope he charged her the gross national product of Zimbabwe. No doubt he got her for speeding in a school zone�ouch! It�s not like there was a sudden drop in the speed limit in this spot�plus there is always heavy traffic at that intersection, which means most of the time no one can come near the speed limit, anyway. The school zone signs are posted way out from where she was pulled over. There is also a cop directing traffic right there at school EVERY SINGLE MORNING, so to blow past him doesn�t reflect your sprawling intellect.

I was a bad girl yesterday. I forgot to buy Hubby some more deodorant. Rather than o-fend all day, I convinced him to give my deodorant a try. It�s not too frilly. He grimaced, applied the feminine anti-stink gel, and then liberally patted himself down with Old Spice. He said he�s going to smell like a pirate, dang it�a pirate commanding a ship of freshly cut flowers, but a pirate nonetheless. I�ve since been to T@rget where I bought him not one, but two Speed St!cks. He can resume his sporty fresh pirate scent tomorrow.

I grow more excited about Tuesday with each passing day. It�s such a privilege to vote. For those who don�t agree with certain things President Bush has forged through�remember, he didn�t do it alone. He has accomplished things because of the SUPPORT from Congress and their votes. Even Kerry voted to send troops to Iraq. My vote for President Bush will be mirrored by my votes for like-minded Congressional, state, and local candidates. The President wields a lot of power, but he is not omniscient. Support your presidential candidate by voting that support base into office as well!


A Ponderance

In the CIA headquarters, Washington, D.C., there is a book under a glass case, that can never be opened to anyone save a specific few with the highest security clearance. In that book is inscribed the names of all operatives who have died during duty. Years, even decades, after death, their names cannot be released, because to do so would jeopardize their families and even national security. The secret remains forever.

During World War II, the Japanese launched a balloon bomb offensive against the US mainland. Several people on a picnic in the Pacific Northwest were killed. Balloons were spotted as far east as Michigan. The media cooperated with the military and did little reporting, only as much as was necessary to keep the populace away from the bombs. Because there were no reports of damage, death, or public hysteria, the Japanese abandoned the balloon bomb program. Imagine what could have happened had the media fueled a frenzied outcry. Instead, quiet and stealth gave our nation the advantage.

President Bush is privy to many things that cannot be shared with the general public. He is given information that only those with the top security clearances are aware. Things Congress doesn�t know. Things the media doesn�t know.

Things Kerry doesn�t know.

Should Kerry be elected, and becomes informed of every detail of which President Bush has known these past four years, will he continue his oppositional stance on all matters?

Think about it.


How evil are you?

Damn. Guess I just hide it better than most.

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