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Two for Tuesday
2004-11-09, 10:32 p.m.

Wahoo! Second entry for today. Why? It�s called �procrastinate�. Try it sometime.

I forgot to give Son his medicine again this morning. His teacher was not amused. So, out I headed, gave Son his happy pill, and then stopped by the grocery store. Normally going there while starving is not a good idea, but today it was great. Kr0ger decided to offer samples of virtually everything. Nothing like a free nibbly buffet while you shop.
I got caught up in the spirit of the season. I came home with R!tz crackers shaped like snowflakes, beef sticks, spreadable cheese, and a couple of quarts of eggnog. I bought two quarts last week hoping to make a pumpkin pie with a recipe I found, but *smack* somehow the *slurp* eggnog disappeared. *burp*

It�s official: Daughter is indeed sick. I brought home the litmus test from the grocery store: a very large pumpkin pie. Do Not, I repeat, Do Not stand between Daughter and a pumpkin pie.
I don�t think she chews it.
Anyway, I put the pie on the counter and called her. She stumbled out with very pink cheeks and bleary blue eyes and saw the pie and smiled. Then she said she had better go back to sleep for awhile.
No fork. No dive. No snarf.
Yep, she�s sick.

Hubby and I recorded �It�s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World� over the weekend and watched the first half last night. Hands down, that�s one of the best movies in history. Terry-Thomas� observations about Americans and bosoms and how �if American women stopped wearing brassieres half the nation�s economy would collapse� ring just as hilariously true today as in 1963�perhaps even more so. I was hoping to watch the second half tonight but that�s a no-go.

Phone Call From Son�s School, Part Deux: Bottom line is, he was playing basketball during gym class and has more than likely broken his left pinky. A kid passed him the ball and it bent his finger way back as he caught it. I had to pick him up early and head for the doctor. Naturally the x-ray tech was off today. The treatment is the same whether he jammed it badly or broke it, which is to splint it. He will have x-rays early Thursday morning. If it�s just sprained, he will wear it for 4-5 days, broken will extend it to 10-12 days. His pinky�s middle joint is swollen and bruised, and the area between it and the top joint is bruised and swollen out to the side. Son is unconcerned since it's not a vital video-game playing appendage; I�m glad he�s not left-handed.

With all that, I wasn�t able to do any housework. My house is a sty. And I am having company tomorrow morning.

Somehow, our bank account is seriously screwed up. There should be more in there than what�s showing. I am not a happy camper.

Perhaps tonight it�s not so much �procrastination� as it is �beaten down and giving up for the night�. Time for bed.

Sally�s mood is: . But I�ll make it. God�s with me, no matter what.

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