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Terror Alert Level

Typical Tuesday
2004-11-09, 10:53 a.m.

Tuesday�s fortune:

Insecurity is your biggest hurdle.

Ya think?

Then, on an astrology site, I found this. Still generic, but still kinda fun:
Important Information on Arians
� Good career choices for you are:

Athlete (I am rather a Quidditch fan.)
Engineer (Married one. Close enough.)
Doctor (Pfffffft, yeah, right, I wanted to be with Gage and DeSoto. Rampart, this is Squad 51�)
Explorer (I explore every day. I dig out socks and God-knows-what-else from under the beds.)
Soldier (My PMS is a weapon of mass destruction, put me in place and set me off.)
Sailor (Will pirate wench do instead? I�d be dangerous in a corset.)
Airman (I�d be busted for taking joyrides on a stealth bomber. Mom, can I have one? Pleeeeease?)
any type of leader (Scary thought. I�m happy under my rock, thanks.)

� You are prone to headaches and indigestion. (Now this one�s eerie. Very, very true.)
� Your ruling planet: Mars. (Doesn�t count unless I get to go visit there.)
� The ram is associated with Aries. (Well, I do tend to butt in�)
� Your lucky color: red. (Nah. Not my favorite.)
� Your lucky gemstone: diamond. (Again, an unfave. They got something against sapphires and opals?)
� Your lucky numbers : 9 and 1. (WRONG. It�s 13. Most definitely.)

If I�m going to read a horoscope, I want a REAL one. I want to be mentioned by name and I want all the foretelling crap to be applicable specifically to my life. Instead, they all say things like �You will need to buy groceries at some point in the future� and �There are things you have never done that you would like to do.�

Whoa. I just found my new career. Astrologer. Gimme a 1-900 line, stat, riches are on my way�


Daughter is home with a bug and is languishing tragically in the living room to prove how veddy veddy ill she is. Ya, right. No fever, hmmm. Both Son and Hubby have temps well below normal when they�re sick, so maybe she is. Pre-tonsillectomy, Daughter would stub her toe and then run a 104 degree temp. These days, she hardly runs a fever at all. Watch for the miraculous recovery around 2pm.

I�m back to the tried-and-true motivational housework aid: Invite somebody over who�s never seen my house. *insert motivational panic* My home will be spotless before 10am tomorrow. Guaranteed. First order of business: Ship out the laundry. I am going to build a shrine to Al�s Speedwash. For thirty bucks I can haul in five overstuffed big trash bags of dirty clothes, and get �em the next day folded and ready to put away. I would walk on glass to get to that place.

A realtor friend is coming so we can peruse listings online and start browsing at area offerings. Warning: Ambivalence Ahead. Yes, I luuurve our tiny abode, but we have An Offer We Can�t Refuse. At least, we can�t refuse to look. A dear relative is essentially handing us a lease-to-own offer, all we have to do is pick out a house. As a matter of compromise, it must be a newer house with good resale potential in case we don�t buy it in the next few years (like Hubby gets laid off and we have to move, etc.). If we don�t find anything suitable, we�ll just stay right where we�re at. This is an unbeatable chance to find a house (in a higher price range because of NO down payment) into which we could move my mother (or the ILs) in later years if necessary. No matter how much I love this house, it�s not suitable for parent-keeping. That is something that Hubby and I have to consider, as our parents are older now with imperfect health. I just hope there is something else out there with which we can fall into housely love again.

From Hammie:
Hammie rocks...
Who�da thunk Diaryland could be so much fun?

Sally�s mood is: . �Cuz 3 cups in a row is not enough.

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